The story of


Malefycia V7CE was a unique immersive event that denounced taboos through the seven deadly sins. V7CE, an intriguing event that took participants on a fascinating journey into the depths of human vices. This exceptional immersive concept aimed to expose taboos by examining each sin through a variety of interactive pieces highlighting pride, envy, greed, gluttony, sloth, lust and anger. Each sin was explored from different angles, offering visitors an in-depth understanding of their impact on society and on themselves.





1h20 tour

14 days of operation

5000 participants

100% Impressive

At Malefycia, we firmly believe that exploring these universal themes, often considered taboo, is essential to fostering open discussion and a better understanding of the human condition. Our aim is to provoke thought in our visitors and encourage them to question their own behaviours and beliefs.



CHAPEL is a provocative and revealing play exploring abuses in religious worship. It tackles the delicate subject of seductive behavior and the exploitation of women within various religious movements. It symbolizes forbidden desires and dangerous impulses, and portrays women shattered by their own impulses and the abusive power wielded by certain leading members of these cults. This play invites us to reflect on and question the norms and beliefs that perpetuate these injustices.

PRIDE explores the harmful effects of hazing in sports and university circles. The play explores the toxic power dynamics and emotional and physical consequences suffered by the victims. It also highlights the mechanisms of silence and complicity that allow hazing to continue. Powerful performances and powerful dialogue reveal the complex nuances of the characters involved, inviting audiences to question the power structures and social norms that fuel this practice.

ENVY takes the audience on an introspective journey, exploring the different facets of the main character’s personality as he seeks to understand who he really is and what he really wants. The play examines the complexities of envy and the challenges we face when seeking to be authentic, and the consequences of wanting to be someone else. Our aim is to get the audience thinking about the quest for self and how envy can distance us from our true identity. We hope this experience will stimulate important conversations about the search for authenticity and self-acceptance.

GREED highlights the problems associated with over-consumption, excessive attachment to material goods and compulsive spending behavior during the Christmas holidays. The production explores the harmful consequences of this obsession with possession, highlighting problems such as competition, superficiality and the neglect of essential human values. It invites audiences to reflect on their own behavior and re-evaluate the priorities of this time of year. Our aim is to get viewers to think deeply about their own consumption habits and the consequences of over-consumption for the environment and our society.

GLUTTONY The aim of this play is to raise public awareness of the urgent need to combat the economic and social inequalities that persist in our society. The difference between the prices of yesteryear and those of today. This show highlights the devastating impact of these changes on families. We want the audience to become aware of the brutal reality faced by the underprivileged, who are forced to eat whatever they can get their hands on. We hope that this immersive experience will encourage them to question their own relationship with gluttony, and to commit themselves to a fairer world.

SLOTH We created this play to raise awareness of the harmful effects of laziness and screen addiction in modern society. It also tackles the issue of uncleanliness and highlights the consequences of a neglected environment on physical and mental health. We want to invite viewers to reflect on their own relationship with screens and how this can impact on their daily lives.

LUST takes a gripping look at the sensitive subject of child sexual abuse. Through captivating narration and puppet performances, the play explores the devastating consequences of early sexualization on victims, and highlights the urgent need for prevention, protection and support for children. Above all, it aims to raise public awareness of these alarming issues affecting our society.

WRATH is an immersive experience that transports the audience into the tumultuous world of a couple dealing with anger and domestic violence. Using innovative theatrical techniques, the play plunges the audience into the heart of this toxic relationship, examining the root causes of these destructive behaviors and allowing them to feel intensely the emotions and tensions involved. The play offers a nuanced perspective on these complex issues, highlighting the devastating consequences of violence in intimate relationships and encouraging deep reflection on ways to prevent and support it. This immersive experience, designed to provoke thought and discussion, will enable visitors to explore these darker aspects of human nature in an innovative and stimulating way.



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